First Saturday Paddle, Ghost Section

First Saturday Paddle Wolf River / Ghost Section
La Grange, TN. to Bateman Bridge
This program is free to Wolf River Conservancy members. Non-members will be charged a paddle fee of $25.00 per person, which can be paid on registering. Please register online by noon on Thursday, April 3rd.
Come along with our River Guides on an early spring trip through the premier paddling destination in West Tennessee, the “GHOST” section of the Wolf River. On this trip, you will paddle through five different environmental ecosystems. Launching in a bottomland hardwood forest, you will progress downstream through wetland forests, cypress swamp, an open water cypress/tupelo swamp (Spirit Lake) and ending the paddle exiting through grassy wetlands. Come along and hear our river guides tell the exciting history about these swamps and wetlands that were saved from complete destruction in 1995. Due to narrow passages, shallow waterways and dense undergrowth canoes or kayaks are still the only craft that can pass through these waters. Through this section, the river has been allowed to naturally evolve since it formed at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch almost 12,000 years ago.
The Ghost Section of the Wolf River in the southwest corner of Tennessee is an area of mystery. Early boating attempts to navigate this section would soon find out the river just simply disappeared. Hence one of the explanations for the name Ghost. The river has been allowed to shape its course naturally and is always a pleasure to enjoy at the slow pace of a paddle.
Dress in layers of quick dry (no cotton) clothing that can be removed or added to as needed. Also protect all parts of your body with either clothing or sunscreen. Don’t forget appropriate head covering. Wear shoes that attach securely to your feet. Additional items to bring include water, snacks and a lunch.
The water temperature is still very cool and entry into the water will be very uncomfortable. In a dry bag, bring a full set of clothing to change into in the event of such an incidence. If you have any doubts about whether you are experienced enough to paddle this section, please check with Jim Gafford, Activity Coordinator Extraordinaire, prior to registering. Jim can be reached via email ( or 901-573-2353 (cell/text) and he will be glad to discuss the trip with you.
Our River Guides will share the trip leader responsibilities on this paddle. They are a great bunch of volunteers and will ensure you have both a safe and enjoyable adventure. If you have questions about the trip, please contact Jim Gafford (see contact information above).
To assist with planning, please register early for the event. Registration for this event will close at noon on Thursday April 3. If you want to learn more about the Wolf river, please review the paddling section of our website (
For Those Renting Boats: Contact Mike Dawkins to discuss equipment availability. Mike can be reached via email at or call/text at (901) 485-2561. Be sure and contact Mike to reserve your equipment as soon as you register for the paddle. You will meet at Ghost River Canoe Run (Outlet) - Google Maps
For Those Bringing boats: You will meet our River Guides at the river access ramp on the west side of Yager Road and just south of LaGrange TN. Please arrive around 8:00 AM to unload your gear and participate in the frontend vehicle shuttle. The last shuttle will leave at 8:30. We will also run a shuttle at the end of the trip as needed.
Parking Disclaimer: You should be able to leave your vehicle in the relatively safe Put-in and Take-out parking areas. WRC is not responsible for loss or damage to private property on or off the river.
SAFETY and PFD requirement: Participants in Wolf River Conservancy on river programs will be required to wear a US Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) while on the river. Children must wear child size approved PFD’s. If you are renting a craft, the outfitter will provide you with an approved PFD as part of the rental package. There are no exceptions to the PFD requirements. Please note that they must also be securely fastened at all times. Please do not use the “belt type” units that are popular with the SUP community. These are single discharge units and cannot easily be reloaded once deployed.
Although the Wolf River is rated as a class one river (little whitewater), conditions can rapidly change. It is imperative that boaters realistically evaluate their experience and abilities related to the section being paddled before launching into the water. Any concerns can be addressed with our river guides. Any decisions and recommendations will always favor the most cautious and safest solution.
If you have questions about the trip, contact Jim Gafford at 901.573.2353 (cell/text) or (email).
We look forward to your participation in this event.
Location / Directions