Natural Highlights: Spring Bird Migration

For people who love birds, spring is an especially exciting time of year here in the Midsouth. Winter residents such as the White-throated Sparrow prepare to travel farther north to raise their families, while neotropical migrants such the Prothonotary Warbler return from Central and South America, following the Mississippi Flyway to reach their breeding grounds. The peak of activity occurs in April and early May, providing a great opportunity to see a variety of birds in their breeding plumage. Some species stay in our area for just a day or two before continuing their journey while others establish breeding territories and nesting sites. Look for Indigo Buntings, Blue Grosbeaks, Yellow-throated Warblers, Northern Parulas, Prothonotary Warblers, Baltimore Orioles, American Goldfinches, Summer and Scarlet Tanagers, and many more - and check out these very useful resources for enjoying birds on your own or with others.
Tennessee Ornithological Society, Memphis Chapter
Field Guides: Sibley, Kaufman, National Geographic, Peterson
For people who love birds, spring is an especially exciting time of year here in the Midsouth. Winter residents such as the White-throated Sparrow prepare to travel farther north to raise their families, while neotropical migrants such the Prothonotary Warbler return from Central and South America,