On the Greenway: New Educational Signs!

Recent visitors to the Wolf River Greenway have probably noticed some colorful new signs along the trail. Thanks to a grant from the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, with additional funding from T.C. Energy, a total of 21 stormwater pollution prevention signs have been installed at the North Mud Island, Frayser, Hollywood, Epping Way, Kennedy Park, Wolf River Crossing, and East Memphis sections of the Greenway. There are 6 different images, all designed to educate people of all ages about the connections between land and water and how individual actions on land can impact the Wolf River and other waterways.
We wish to thank many people for their essential contributions to the successful completion of this project. First, our funders: the Tennessee Dept. of Agriculture grant was itself funded by a federal grant from the Environmental Protection Agency, and T.C. Energy is a Wolf River Conservancy benefactor whose additional funds allowed for more signs than would have otherwise been possible. The input and expertise of the City of Memphis Stormwater Program, and especially its in-house artist, Jennifer Kisner-Johnson, transformed concepts and ideas into educational and engaging images which are the heart of this project. Bill Andrews and his team at Good Show LLC provided expert production and installation of the signs themselves, patiently accommodating a number of challenges along the way. City of Memphis Parks Department made sure each sign was properly installed and could be easily maintained in the future, and our own Findley Frazer dotted the “i’s” and crossed the “t’s,” making necessary adjustments.
Our stormwater education signs are the first interpretive signs installed on the Wolf River Greenway, but they aren’t the last! More signage and other exciting educational features will have their place along the Greenway in the future.
New educational signs installed on the Wolf River Greenway thanks to a Tennessee Dept. of Agriculture grant and T.C. Energy, educating on stormwater pollution.