April 2024: A Message from Our Director

Dear Wolf River Conservancy Friend,
With last Saturday’s Earth Day celebration at the Shady Grove Trailhead of the Wolf River Greenway, I am pleased to report on the successful culmination of the 2024 Wolf River Restoration Series presented by Brother International Corporation. The Restoration Series is a four-month long conservation, education, and community service-focused collection of events and webinars. The impact of this year’s series is enormous. Hundreds of illegally dumped tires removed, thousands of pounds of trash picked up and numerous habitats improved, restored, or created across the Wolf River watershed. We welcomed speakers from the National Civil Rights Museum, the Tennessee Forestry Association, Protect Our Aquifer and Republic Services to share about their important work and educate our audiences on the ways they can further their involvement in social and environmental causes right here in our community. And speaking of community, the level of involvement from volunteers across Memphis was truly inspiring. Hundreds of you came out to plant trees, create habitats, and beautify our city in ways that will have a lasting impact for generations. If you joined us for any of our events, I want to say thank you!
Of course, none of this would be possible without the incredible ongoing support of our partners, Brother International Corporation, International Paper, Sylvamo and Bioventus. Each of these companies has shown a deep commitment to responsible environmental stewardship and their sponsorship is greatly appreciated.
Although the Restoration Series has concluded, our team is hard at work on so much more to come in 2024. Just in the month of May we are hosting two different paddle trips which are open to the public, a Drink a Beer Save a River social event with Dale Sanders at Grind City Brewing, a Frog Chorus Walk and more! Finally, don’t forget to register for our Discover the Greenway 5K+s race on June 8th! If you joined us for the Restoration Series, we would love to see you again at one of our many other community engagement events. Please check our Activity Calendar at wolfriver.org for all the details.
2024 Wolf River Restoration Series concluded—trash removed, habitats restored, community united! Join us for more: paddles, 5K, and socials at wolfriver.org